Guidelines for Students
- Bring your school diary to the school everyday.
- Turn up to the school clean, well-grommed and inproper uniform with polished shoes.
- Remain regular to the attendance and never come to the school late.
- Do attend the assembly and other school activities.
- Bring all the text books and the writing materials required for the day.
- Study diligently and attentively in the class room, never waste your precious time while at school as well as at home.
- Ensure that your name, class subject etc. are marked on your books, exercises books, tiffin box, water bottle etc.
- Be ready to adopt good habits and shun bad ones; learn the social manners and prepare yourself for healthy citizenship in democratic society.
- Remember that the school is running for your improvement and growth and always be willing to respect its discipline and rules framed for the purpose.
- Look after the school property; help to keep it clean and avoid all pencil/ink marks on the walls and furniture.
- Insist on your parents t osign your School Diary daily and also the Examination Report Card in two days.
- Bring Identity Card regularly and follow safety rules properly.
- The students are advised not to bring valuables like costly watches, cash ad gold ornaments to the school.
- Be ready to lend a helping hand at home to parents, brothers and sisters; at school to teachers and companions.
- Students should obey house prefects, class monitors and other senior students at the school.
- For more guidelines see the school prospectus.
Teachers Required