Anand Prep/Public School is a leading CBSE affiliated school in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India. We have airy, bright class rooms. We conduct various co-curricular activities like music class, sports and games. School library and laboratory equipped with state of the art technologies.
School class rooms are airy, brigh and equipped with state of the art smart class technology. School class rooms are also examined by the academic incharge or principal or director time to time at a random basis.
Our library collections comprise hundreds of printed books and journal volumes. School library also provides online journals, specialist subject databases and e-books that the school has purchased.
The School has well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students are encouraged to use these laboratories to learn through experiments. Every year latest instruments, specimens, charts etc. are purchased for these laboratories.
A unique school imparting education as well music and dance to the students. School provides the training for Kathak, Bharatnatyam. We also organize special session Carnatic Music for the students belonging to the class XI and XII.
6 September 2022
26 January Celebration
Annual Sports Day on 02-03-2023